Marcus Intalex @ RBMA // Soulution Radio Volume 9, 02/2008

RBMA Radio


Mr. Soul:R Marcus Intalex back with the goodness on RBMA Radio. No guest features this time, just Intalex and the beats …

01. kenny larkin – fake french epic mix – peacefrog
02. alix perex – inferno – soulr
03. craggz – without sound – dub
04. sabre – global -dub
05. redeyes – clapslap -dub
06. digital – burny – violence
07. resound – second thoughts – secret operations
08. shy fx – metal soul dbrige remix- digital soundboy
09. alix perex – the reckoning – dub
10. atlantic connection – voodoo woman – soulr
11. marcus intalex – skizm – soulr
12. atom – dolly – dub
13. calibre – alone in a crowd – signature
14. illogic and raff – complex identities – dub
15. calibre – always lovin you – signature
16. random movement – a good start – innerground
17. dan marshall – crazy zero t remix – biosphere
18. coolhand flex – mus feel (serum remix) -mac2
19. rufige cru and dbrige – mirror – dub
20. subwave – think – dub
21. marcus intalex – konspiracy – dub
22. icicle n jubei – keep up – dub
23. calibre – beat goes on remix – signature
24. bungle – need of being alone – soulr
25. icicle – strange fruit – soulr
26. indo – love will be on your side dillinja remix – manifesto

55 thoughts on “Marcus Intalex @ RBMA // Soulution Radio Volume 9, 02/2008

  1. come on! soo good to have some more intalex pressure,

    i wana be cross at him for not doing shows often enough, but with such a quailty show just happy it exists.

    large as always

  2. I see so many new Calibre tunes in the tracklisting i almost wet my pants

    Yeah Minotaur I believe you are absolutely right, it wouldn’t be as sweet if the shows were aired more frequently… this way we even get to soak em in proper

  3. The “beat goes on remix” reused a really familiar sample… took me ages to remember that I heard it in “Nothing can stop this fire” from the first Bassbin LP

  4. this is so fucking good.
    absolutely loving calibres vocals..his new album is going to be golden.

    i think its better these shows are once a blue moon, makes them more special.

  5. Marcus seems aware of the positive response his shows get but, goddamn if this doesn’t make my month. As always a great show!!

    Thank you, Mr. Intalex!

  6. calibre – always lovin you – signature

    WTF ???


    “absolutely loving calibres vocals..his new album is going to be golden.”


  7. definately feeling calibre ‘alone in the croiwd’ also the tune by the man himself ‘skysm’ and the d bridge rmx is real dark……

  8. riomx Says:
    February 8th, 2008 at 22:37:57
    calibre – always lovin you – signature

    WTF ???


    yeah i think his vocals are great…really groovy timing and character..
    matter of opinion, innit ;)

  9. the freshest cuts as always. thank you mr intalex.

    one Q though. donde esta senor st files?

  10. i am going to run as fast as i can and dive head first into my computer. Twice.
    thanks marcus:)

  11. nice one as always marcus.
    didnt feel the mix untill the digital track.
    first four kinda put me to sleep.

  12. @sadat. I am not dissing Calibre. I don’t think there is anything wrong with a 2 or 3 second vocal snippet like dillinja has been doing for years. And I understand 100% why he sings, as he probably can’t find vocals/singers easily and ideas would run through his head so quickly when in the studio. But in my opinion full vocals like “always loving you” sound horrible. Each to their own…. :)

  13. @rollo:

    Thank you for telling it like it is, and with a reasonable approach.

    Calibre’s a tip top producer, but he’s no vocalist.

    His “always loving you” vocals had me cringing. Maybe the fanbois will enjoy it, but the majority of listeners will just turn off the track

  14. I like it when artists re-use samples… that helps give them a distinctive vibe which is so often forgotten in this age of software production.

    Ain’t been too into the Icicle productions but that Strange Fruit bit is killer.

  15. By the way – only “Always Loving You” was strange. “Alone in a Crowd” had almost a Beatles-like tone to it, and I liked the vocals on it. I think if he uses less effects to distort the sound, it’d be great.

  16. Great show as always from Marcus, so many good tunes and some inane chat, he makes a great radio DJ. Calibre vocals wise I am a fan but can see how they split people.

    Resound track is a banger as well.

  17. some really good stuff here inc. icicle’s strange fruit [man, he’s on fire atm] digital’s ‘burny’, that rufige kru vs d-bridge track is bangin as well. if u listen carefully, a lot of improvement is going on in this music, finally we see the musicians are pulling out new ideas. years ago dnb was the music of progression and i hope that era is coming back.
    about the calibre vocals, i dont think u’d have spotted it out urself its his voice if anyone did not tell ya especially in ‘alone in a crowd’
    imo after more than 20 years of sampling still doing it with all the 50-70s soul tracks’ acapellas wont lead us anywhere. furthermore, it takes much more time to work with your own vocals.
    anyway, always worth waiting for this show, thx soulr camp!

  18. calibre – alone in a crowd is f*ckin ridiculous. Best tune Ive heard for ages. Stasis by Survival was the last tune that made me feel like this

    His singing sounds great on this tune. If I could sing Id be recording my vocals to use too, so there u go!

  19. Intalex on the money as usual and fun to listen to.

    As a newer dnb head I have to say that I am honored to have a collection of the mighty Calibre and privy to all the new that is on the rise. So may cats missing out on the great production/brilliance happening with this genre.

  20. Great show as always! Loving Marcus’s chit chat.

    As for Calibre’s vocals, the track ‘tv on’ that got played on a previous soul:ution radio show is once again a stunnig piece of music from the man, but i don’t know what to think with ‘allways loving you’ yet. It’s definitely something new and maybe just takes some time getting used to.
    My fav producer for years tho and i’m anxiously waiting for the new LP!

  21. Quality and innovation as always. Keep it rollin’ Intalex. Fully agree with pikmik… the right balance of chit chat, great tunes, and smooth mixing. Respect. The ‘intalex’ mc loop that fades in to a filtered out sample that ends up sounding like ‘select select select select…” is totally tasteful as well. The intro too is a cool idea… makes me want to look through some 90-ish BPM deep techno releases and see what I can’t mix/infuse…

    Teach on, teacher.

  22. ‘Always Loving You = wicked. Its original, just give it time to grow. Mirror is also amazing, but do I hear a ripped Teebee loop in the drums??!!’

    soul breaks init

  23. [Comment ID #367563 Quote]

    can’t wait for that one, lol…

    seriously sweet tunes on this one, loving it…

  24. “His “always loving you” vocals had me cringing.”

    what, on earth, are you talking about? sublime tune.

    intalex, king of everything.

  25. “what, on earth, are you talking about? sublime tune.”

    Sure, if you have no taste in music. It’s repetitive and amateurish. Honestly, when listening to it, I don’t want to believe that Calibre did it.

  26. @ bogger – pretty sure its soul breaks by Teebee

    classy mix, wouldn’t expect anything less from Da Intalex, jetlagged and all.

  27. Giving “Always Lovin You” another listen, the vocals albeit repetitive, are pretty good. Maybe it’s just me, I got some weird Joy Division vibe from it.. great stuff tho.

  28. That bungle track is just fucking off the hook, what a fuckin stormer, amazing track

  29. Fucking awesome mix, best Soulution yet… some amazing tracks. Cheers Marcus :)

  30. calibre – always lovin you
    groovy tune, definately one for the floor, that vocal is runnin!

  31. Great tracks incluidng the Calibre ones, but am I the only one feeling Sabre’s “Global”? Sooooo fucking dark, I love it!

  32. anyone know when that D-Bridge Metal Soul remix is coming out?!?! Only 9 months since first heard it here!!…. been on Redeye pre-order for a few weeks but still no sign.. absolutely bad tune

  33. @ Strawberry

    The promos appeared last week so I guess the full release will be in about three weeks

  34. Wicked 2unes from Mr.Intalex yet again. What do you expect from the second best label founder in DnB (my opinion) besides Metalheadz. His label has the creme de la memph of producers ie, Calibre, Lynx and now Lomax 2 name a few dropping some beats on Soul:r (wicked)

    As far as all the Calibre haters go, at least the man has the guts to spit some lyrics and be experimental and ORIGINAL, and anyway with the amount of quality 2unes this man has released, he surely has the right 2 misfire now and again. BIG UP CALIBRE.
    PS. 2 Lilza – Disrespectful 2 say he uses same samples, first ive eard of it.

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