- Calibre @ Raveology – Return of the Q-Club 01/12/2007 | mirror | mirror | mirror | torrent (128kbps, 59mins)
Now thats a wicked combination, to be honest its a bit of a dream coming true for me personally. This is the mighty Dj Calibre alongside one of the original MCs on the Planet, Mc Bassman. Watch our for some of the most hilarious lyrics.
“floating on a clooouud of titties”
??? – ??? [???]
Calibre – Suddenly [SIGNATURE DUB]
Lynx – ??? [DUB]
Calibre – ??? [SIGNATURE DUB]
Survival & Zero Tolerance (feat. Steo) – No More [DISPATCH DUB]
Calibre – Leave Me [SIGNATURE DUB]
??? – ??? [???]
Break – Timeline [CRITICAL]
Lynx – Shady Past Times [DUB]
Break – Lost & Found [SYMMETRY]
Calibre & Klute – Freedom Come [COMMERCIAL SUICIDE]
DJ Die & Break – Coming From The Top [CLEAR SKYZ DUB]
Beta 2 & Zero Tolerance – Hang Twice [MAC 2 DUB]
Break – Surroundings [SYMMETRY]
Calibre – Into The Breeze [SIGNATURE DUB]
Calibre – Carry Me Away [SIGNATURE]
Tracklist or im gonna cry
This looks ridiculous! Cant wait
just like to say i dont know half the tune on here k? safe later
This mix is fucking bad. Big up.
That flyer is classic. Who ended up as Chewbacca!!! lol.
Always love the Calibre mix. Looking forward to this 8)
For what its worth………
1.??? Some Mr Kirk remix
2.??? D Bridge?
3.??? Stompy tune
4.??? Sick
5.?? Cant remember
8.Break – Timeline
10.Klute & Calibre – Freedom Come
15.Calibre – Into the groove
16.Calibre – Carry Me Away
1=4 hero – mr kirks nightmare (randall & vapour remix)
These MCs are terrible, can someone please call Conrad, Jakes or GQ ? These guys ruined this set for me.
shadow demon crew and calibre ruffing it up… thoroughly enjoyed it!!
naw, these MCs make ya jump and down……
dnb=tracks that make me watch the decks + fluid chill MCs like Conrad-Jakes-GQ
jungle=this right here, bouncin tunes and flavorful MCs.
just play it louder and you’ll do just fine.
Anyone know the tune that drops at 15:51….heard Perez play it out last month and it’s fuckin’ wicked. That Vapour & Randall remix on the intro is pure badness too. Big set and whilst i’d rather no mcs, they could be worse!
??? – ??? [???]
Calibre – Suddenly [SIGNATURE DUB]
Lynx – Shady Pastimes [DUB]
Calibre – ??? [SIGNATURE DUB]
Survival & Zero Tolerance (feat. Steo) – No More [DISPATCH DUB]
Calibre – Leave Me [SIGNATURE DUB]
??? – ??? [???]
Break – Timeline [CRITICAL]
??? – ??? [???]
??? – ??? [???]
Calibre & Klute – Freedom Come [COMMERCIAL SUICIDE]
DJ Die & Break – Coming From The Top [CLEAR SKYZ DUB]
Beta 2 & Zero Tolerance – Hang Twice [DUB]
Break – Surroundings [SYMMETRY]
Calibre – Into The Breeze [SIGNATURE DUB]
Calibre – Carry Me Away [SIGNATURE]
The first track isn’t Randall & Vapour’s remix. No idea who did it though.
Nice one Nezzy! The Survival & Zero T track is the one i was after, cheers.
Track before ‘Freedom Come’ is Break – ‘Lost & Found’ (Symmetry) in case anyone wants to know…..
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about jungle that make you jump, but these MCs aren’t saying anything meaningful, it’s just shit, the music is GREAT i just can’t focus on it with all this meaningless crap being said over it.
Listen to Optical & MC Jakes at Locus Launch Party, Bristol from a few years back
and talk to me then.
How do these guys not pass out from talking so much?
And where’s this “floating on a cloud of titties” line?
The 3rd tune is by Lynx but I am unsure of the name. Shady Past Times comes in at the 31 minute mark.
links updated! thx to the rehosters.
once again about the mc thing: with this kinda lineup at a mtv dance rave you can expect wild mc orgies, so just take it as it is.
don´t like the mc´s. they destroyed the set for me. absolutly no empathy for music :(
“Place the lotion in the Basket!! Place it!”
“Rub the lotion on your skin before you hit the ho’s!”
Hilarious :D But really you cant mc a Calibre set. They even mc over Steo. But yeah its overkill in a new measure.
Chewbacca was JJ Frost as in the flyer. 3CPO=MC GQ.
And the titties line is at 42:10.
stop bassman, i wanna check his set..
this 2 mc’s are horroble… permanent blabhalbhlabah bhoa… they ruined the hole set, stfu plz ;(
btw the only mc who can ‘mcing’ to calibre set is DRS, he is teh man!
100000000000000% agree to roxnadz
ahh. Don’t you just love the versatility of drum n bass? It’s like pairing Mike Strutter with Fiona Phillips on the GMTV sofa.
Ladies, we love the breasts,
give us a little squeeze,
won’t you say yes!
Touch it two times,
touch it like I want!
Brilliant. I’m writing this down.
cookie for everyone who post funny mc rhymes :)
edit: omg, 30 comments already lol
sick selection by Calibre! lookin fwd to that next album
Tracklist looks fiiine.
The first 20 seconds or so IS the Randall and Vapour remix of Kirk, but I reckon that’s the end of the last set.
Shady pastimes = :-))))
“btw the only mc who can ‘mcing’ to calibre set is DRS, he is teh man!”
fats&stamina too imo!!
In all my 16 years of listening to rave, hardcore, jungle, drum n bass and all the other stuff, I have NEVER heard set so completely ruined by the sh*t that was chatted over this mix. Mix itself was phat but that is the worst MCing I have evr heard, and I’ve heard some bad stuff. Promoters need to get a grip and pull the bloody mics when its like that. “Put the lotion in the basket”…yeah I know its from Silence of the Lambs but wtf is that all about?????
I couldn’t listen to the first 5 minutes of this with all the blah blah blah. Is there a mute MC button?
??? – ??? [???]
Calibre – Suddenly [SIGNATURE DUB]
Lynx – ??? [DUB]
Calibre – ??? [SIGNATURE DUB]
Survival & Zero Tolerance (feat. Steo) – No More [DISPATCH DUB]
Calibre – Leave Me [SIGNATURE DUB]
??? – ??? [???]
Break – Timeline [CRITICAL]
Lynx – Shady Past Times [DUB]
Break – Lost & Found [SYMMETRY]
Calibre & Klute – Freedom Come [COMMERCIAL SUICIDE]
DJ Die & Break – Coming From The Top [CLEAR SKYZ DUB]
Beta 2 & Zero Tolerance – Hang Twice [MAC 2 DUB]
Break – Surroundings [SYMMETRY]
Calibre – Into The Breeze [SIGNATURE DUB]
Calibre – Carry Me Away [SIGNATURE]
well I thought the mc’ing was hilarious and made a nice change for me.. also pretty damn good in spots especially the more hip hop influenced shit going down in the first 3rd
think the first ‘proper’ tune might be zero t & steo.
the mc’s are rubbish and ruin the entire set
waterfront crew is classic!
bassman easily can celebrate 15 years of jungle mcing this year.
check out early hysteria tapes – they are great.
sounds like bird *chirp* *chirp*
another classic recording with bassman from 1997 right here
I remember Bassman from the well old days of Quest and MR B’s and all those other bad ass places in the Midlands that you’d find him. The man is an unqualified genius. Much like Tim Westwood. He’s mis understood. Just because you may not understand him, doesn’t mean he doesn’t spit the truth.
The LCB for example. The Long Cocky Bull.
Sounds like a razor
Cut you
Make you bleed.
It’s all there people, and entire chronology on our society over the last 20 years, MC’d in complete derision, by someone who really didn’t give a fuck what you or I thought of him. And he’s still doing it and getting paid for it, so either brock out and keep schtum or meet me at the next gig in the Midlands where Bassman is MC’ing and you walk up to him and tell him he’s shite, because i’ll be waiting to see if all the haters have got the minerals to diss him and live.
Don’t hate the player
Hate the game.
Bad Bad
Like a who
Like a you
Like a Me.
Sounds of the rincin dog!
Very very Dark!
Someone should write a book on that man. It’d be on a par with Lenny “The Guv’Nor” McClean.
Respect due to those who know who.
the mc’s ruined the WHOLE set, what a shame..
so stupid, horrible and bad.
if u wanna talk about a wart on the ass of dnb then u forgot to mention
– promotors booking producers and not djs in 2008
– the 10 new labels that pop up each week and release b grade tunes
– the fact there is no quality control over the music released
– vinyl sales being at an all time low
– distributors having the final say on most tunes being released
naturally bassman & trigga arent everyones cup of tea but they are far from giving dnb a bad name.
Alan Shearer, him a wanker. dutty like a wah
Nice set from Calibre and good to see a different combination of dj’s and mc’s. They do go on a bit sometimes…good mc’s know when to shut up.
Spyda is cool though ;)
lynx shady past times this sounds very much like alix perez/lynx collaboration?
bassman is probably the worst mc :( i dont know why peepl like him, probably because he kept distributing his wack lyrics and noflow for decades by now. he really spoils the set :( bassman: retire
Bad set.
Calibre gone dark!
I don’t understand how you can all bitch about having darkside mc’s on a darkside set. They go together like cheese and wine.
This was how the 90’s DnB scene sounded.
This music can’t be nice and warm in the living room all the time. It is Urban music and Urban isn’t always nice and warm.
Track your history and learn some culture before you hate something you don’t understand.
absolutely killer selection from calibre but i agree with most of yall here who think the mc’s ruin the set and vibes… mute button indeed
I don’t care much for MCs that just like to talk shit over smooth tunes…but I can’t say I felt the same about this set. I actually had a lot of fun listening to it :)
I didn’t like every rhyme that came out of their mouth, but they made me laugh my ass off through the entire mix. I think that’s the difference between them and others – they entertain, and they keep the show alive with their energy.
These guys didn’t really distract, since this mix wasn’t SUPPOSED to be relaxing. I can imagine everyone there probably had a great time and just danced the whole night.
“Don’t hate the player
Hate the game.
Bad Bad
Like a who
Like a you
Like a Me.
Sounds of the rincin dog!
Very very Dark!
Someone should write a book on that man. It’d be on a par with Lenny “The Guv’Nor†McClean.
Respect due to those who know who.”
WTF ??? I guess it’s popular these days to just write complete shite to seem cool
HOLY SHIT these f**king MCs are dreadful.. f*cking disgraceful.. pair of twats.. really made me angry hearing these two f*ckwits ruining the music with their crap banter..Had to delete this, such a shame as the calibre tunes are awesome.. Shame Black Laura & Hardy have to ruin it by talking shit..
*Laurel & Hardy
Id throw a bottle at these c*nts if I was there
wow…such a shame…dunno if i even want to waste my time with this mix after reading the comments……but i have so much respect for calibre that i may do it…
as a chick but more so as a dnb head that takes my music seriously….why the hell would i want to listen to some loud-mouth blabbering dick say stupid asinine shite about touching tits and a bunch of other crap over such quality tunes?!
shame…it’s not about the music at some of these events..it’s about how much of a blabbering jack-ass you can be on the mic….there are much better MCs suited to the vibe calibre gives off and that actually know how to flow with the music….
well i guess i’m just a grumpy old junglist then…when i’m listening to this mix in my car on a decent system..it is NOT for some craptastic lame ‘rhymes’, it is for the tunes…
i’m not listening to a mix to laugh my ass off and I don’t need to care about how hard the pilled-up kids were dancing at the party cuz the MCs were blabbering so hard…lol.
for me it has always been about the tunes and the feeling the dj wants to create with them…a little MCing here and there can def add something…but wankers like these MCs just disrespect all over the music and what the DJ is trying to create.
well i guess i’m just a grumpy old junglist then…when i’m listening to this mix in my car on a decent system..it is NOT for some craptastic lame ‘rhymes’, it is for the tunes…
i’m not listening to a mix to laugh my ass off and I don’t need to care about how hard the pilled-up kids were dancing at the party cuz the MCs were blabbering so hard…lol.
for me it has always been about the tunes and the feeling the dj wants to create with them…a little MCing here and there can def add something…but wankers like these MCs just disrespect all over the music and what the DJ is trying to create.
Believe me, I am all about the tunes too and you can see how many times I’ve posted on this site against bad MCs. Also, I give much respect to MCs like Conrad and DRS, who both know how to flow and match their vocals to the vibe of the music. I personally don’t like loud and rapid MCs.
Trouble with this set is: you weren’t there, nor anyone else bitching about it, claiming Calibre’s set was ruined.
That was probably what the vibe was and the intention of the DJ and MCs. I seriously doubt Calibre would have done this show had he not been aware of how it was gonna go down.
I’m glad you don’t care about listening to the mix to laugh or how much fun people had a party. That’s really great and all, thanks for sharing.
However, this is a recording of a party. At a club. It’s not a recording of Calibre mixing in his studio so you can enjoy your tunes when you’re driving…no matter how hard you may want to believe that.
how can you be judge of that mix behind your screens ?
BAssman has just that oldskool taste i like …Reminds me the very first slammin’ vinyl MC’s! No humour into Drum’n’bass anymore ? Fake purist attitude is just bullshit …
like some said i remind you guys that this was a live recording at a big rave so dont hate the mcs for having some fun on the mic.
I was there and the MCs sucked monkey balls.. I went there specifically to see Calibre as Id never seen him DJ before and love his music.. I just remember drunkenly leaning against a wall trying to hear the music over the two stupid pricks bouncing around talking shit for what seemed like eternity.. seriously the didnt shut the f*ck up for 1 minute.. I was really disappointed and several other people I vented this too agreed they were shit… SO PISS OFF YOU ‘ORRIBLE PIKEY ARSEHOLES! Keep your shit Rhymes to yourself.!
Beauty and the Beasts…
Yeeeehhh lovely… calibre is the master. I would be feeling like i was floating on a cloud of titties if i was there……………….yyyeeeaaaahhhh titties……………….. (. )( .)
Calibre does deserve better… such nice tunes but “mc’ing that didn’t let the music breathe”.
what’s the veryvery the first tune?? sooo bad.
MCing all good for a live mix…..would’ve sounded ill there…..there’s some comedy rhymes! dup with the red bull shout?? i laugh.
The comments above are slightly repetitive in nature- it’s all too easy to jump on the mc hating band wagon. As it happens, I find that I can’t listen to almost any recording that has mcs on it, as mcs are purely appreciated live, in my opinion. When you have a good mc at a rave there’s no doubt that they play an important role- for all the times that I’ve slated them I also know that that they’ve increased my enjoyment and hype the crowd to make a set more exciting. Raving is about having fun and really about being silly- so silly rhymes and clowning pass through the net to an extent and it goes along with the spirit of the night. I have to say I don’t have a great deal of time for double time ‘bidibidibidi’ chav shit- but again can (just about) tolerate it on a night out if it’s done (comparitively) well and the vibe fits.
I do agree with comments that promoters should only book a limited number- one per dj works best in my opinion, unless you have a very talented duo who are not scoring points but work togethor (ie. broke n english)
So- don’t completely slate mcs- they do a good job (or some do). However what they do is a dancefloor thing- sort of on a par with the way we all dance- hardly an art form for the majority but great fun- so it’s not really fair to analyse them as if they’re doing this stuff for a home audience. Seperate musical purity from a messy rave and we all get along fine… after all imagine if we didn’t have them at all
is there no way u ranters can just press the back button, download another free set and get ur god all mighty ears round that? maybe enjoy it?? jeez
i went to my first rave at 17 and i’m 33 now, Bassman was there and he smashed the dance. i live in nottingham home town of Spyda, so i’ve been to plenty dances over the years where he has performed and i know him on a personal level.
the first thing you need to understand is thses guys have been doing this for years, before the music split into little sub categories back then it was Drum and Bass and it still is Drum and Bass.
just as DJs like Fabio Grooverider Goldie and the lord himself Bukem created and infuenced a generation so did the MC’s along with Conrad GQ and Five-O, Bassman was an mc superstar. if you dont know this you should not be talking your talk!! go pick up tape pack from the 90’s and you will find Bassman and Spyda on them.
Bassman and Spyda are old school and if your old enough to know this then this set is a smasher as they MC like it was back in the day to hype the crowd and since this dance was in brum it was always going to be hype crowd event.
some of the lines they use dont make much sence but thats not the point they are feeling the music
“floating on a cloud of titties” is an expression used to convey a comfortable feeling of utter ecstasy in one’s state of being
a classic line if ever i heard one. my advice to the haters is turn up the music and dance a little.
and it was nice to hear Calibre with someone new as i’m sure we have all listened to him with DRS countless times.
ps i would not advise the drinkers of the haterade to diss these gents face to face as you’ll most likely need medical help quite soon afterwards!!
Dibble you talking about me father there, have a care…
the first tune (“you’re here”) sounds a lot like 2000-2002 Dillinja
Bassman was an MC Superstar…hows that then? I never saw him at Dreamscape or World Dance and he never pitched up at Helter skelter until 96 at the earliest. Menawhile MCs like GQ, Fearless,MCMC, Five O were getting booked all over the country,not just the Midlands.
As for hyping the crowd, less is more. GQ never had to say much to get the crowd going and you cannot tell me that places like AWOL at Paradise or WD at Lydd were lacking in atmosphere.
Dont get me wrong, you cant beat a good MC on top of their game in tandem with a DJ who is rinsing it out, but bad MCing can destroy a set.
This really aint my cup of tea…which is a damn shame because Calibre was on fire.
The evil forces of the past strike again and ruin yet anthother set of contemporary magnificentness.
There’s a time and place for every mc. For Bassman and Spyda, a Calibre set in 2007 obviously isn’t. Given the chance, I’ll be happy to point that out to these gents face to face and I’m sure they’ll understand.
dont’t get me wrong, not all thats old is bad, hell no!
Just hoping some of these Calibre dubs get released, like there are a couple of tunes on shelf life CD not on the vinyl, alright for tech heads with CD mixers in addition to turntables.
As for MCs- yeah I’ve got tapepacks from Hysteria, Desire etc and these boys killed it, more jump up MCs, and the comments about them hyping the crowd are right. But I agree that this set doesn’t need that much over it. Liquid takes you on with the musical depth and warmth, sure a few phrases, crowd encouragement and if you have a dope verse that is as deep as the tune, spit it. DnB just needs hosting, keeping things moving, if you got that much to say, make a hip-hop track and don’t commit the cardinal sin of chatting over a track’s vocals of the mix. I do like the change in pitch of the voice on 20:27 though. Sweet.
There is an Alex Perez mix that has a few of these tunes without the MCing, the triple J mix.
Peace party people.
hmm, a great set…but, im inclined to agree…this kinda mc over this kind of dnb just doesnt sit. Jungle/ragga mc’s over rolling/deep liquid funk…not feeling that….wicked set though…
Brilliant!! but i fell calibre is much better with out a MC
So its like this
Calibre…outstanding set….musical yet raw ; )
Bassman and Spyda (Shadow Demon Coalition – Pretty Crazy name for a ‘ravin ‘crew)…..Rough Ass lyrics and funny as hell. ‘ Nice Slice of Pecan Pie’ – Genius !
The two combined is a bizarre combintaion…..be intesested to hear what Calibre thought……..
Bassman is legendary. no question. he was there from the very very start at raves like phantasia etc, before acid house and jungle split. to say bassman, or any of the shadow demon crew disresprect the music is utterly ridiculous, they’ve been doing more raves than you’ve had hot dinners. they do something abit different, they hype it up, the lyrics go from pure comedy, to being absolutely daft, but they’re always delievered with a heavy heavy flow.
Drum n bass is not s’pposed to be some safe, comfy genre that students and can dance to. its raw, its engrained in urban culture. i don’t for one second think that jakes or gq come up have the ability to put some deep, meaningful vibe over a rave. one listen to T.C – drink, tells me what jakes is now all about. keep an open mind with your dnb…its for everyone…
Calibre’s like the Arsenal of DnB, he just needs a Fabregas pulling the strings a little, not a Lampard, trying to hit 25 yrd deflections.
Subtlety’s the key, shut your mouth when the mix is in, whoever the MC. The music came first, the vocals should just enhance it.
That Beta2 and Zero Tolerance tune Hang Twice is sick…..sticking to the music.
Dont get me wrong my fav combo is Lord LTJ Bukem and MC Conrad so i know the importance of the DJ &MC working together and i totally love the mellow vibes from Bukem Calibre Makoto Marcus Intalex and others the list could go on….
But this set was something different and for that alone i loved it, the music was tight as always with a set from Calibre and the MCing although not to everyone’s taste it was on point. Bassman and Spyda where as we say ridin the riddim and were doing things not seen/heard on a Calibre set.
did it work?? for many of you it would seem not but you must applaud them for having a go because this music is about trying new things and not doing the same old things and this was a rave and i’m the sure the crowd was rocking or ‘floating on a cloud of titties’
nlnasty, point well made mate….
I thought the MC’s rocked it at times but you should know when to shoot and when to pass…
I’m sure with enough vibes and thrills of the night, the crowd were floating on a cloud of titties…
The tune at 38 :40……and the flow is in incredible……U got admit these dudes toast it well…..its more like an mc gig…with Calibre as backing….
I’ve been caning this mix for the tunes……. But Big up the Shadow Demon Crew….they add a lot of Pressure ; )
‘Dance how like, cuz we don’t give a fuck’
The way it should be….
torrent: http://dnbtracker.org/torrents-details.php?id=325
i wonder what calibre thought of the mc’ing
3th track is Lynx – 2nd Floor [Soul:R]
marky played this one at terremoto show a couple of weeks ago
ok so now we have covered the 25th, 13th and the 2nd floor
calibre = tight
but i can’t hear him with all the peoples talkin init
WHY? :(
that Lynx tune is called Reverse Engineering on Soul:R, check Chemical Records
reverse engineering definately ain’t dropped on this set. the 3rd tune does sound similar though. nice, different set.
Very similaR, the tune that comes in after is what it’s all about though…
Calibre is the Dubwise Man along with Digital and Rohan from Bassbin
True Dubwise steppers
I had a listen but the MCs are a bit too much for my taste..
100 comments a come brap
‘woh woh woh bassman , what you playing at?’
(bassman):’Chattin over the set’
‘ sorry mate can’t do that.’
(bassman) ‘and whys that?’
‘coz ther’s a handfull of bedroom dj’s from the arsehole of nowere with no real idea of how we got to were we are in the jungle scene today moanin coz they cant hear a dj in 320kbps.’
(bassman) ‘you kno what they can do…….
personally im not happy unless its 1,411kbps
proper darkness from calibre and proper mcs!
To be honest guys i was there live at the event and it was heavy – the lyrics sounded perfect while the beats were being dropped. Plus Bassman and Trigga’s antics on stage whilst spitting the rhymes just added to the occasion.
All in all a brilliant set!!!
Bring back MC Lenny.. together with Bassman they used to kill it.
Who said MC’s can’t make music?
At the end of the day, this scene has been evolving for a long time. Bassman was there being individual at the fledling early days.
Individualism is what makes our scene great, without certain individuals it would not be where it is today.
I found it refreshing to hear an Mc that has still kept to his original style, I liked Bassman back in the day & i still rate him now.
There is only one BASSMAN, big up your chest.
armchair ravers all the way!
listening to calibre with a different set of mc’s was a refreshing change
too many times you hear the same old mc’s and dj’s
i would even like to hear LTJ mixing it up a bit these days
think this set came about on the back of the Innovation in the Sun with Marcus Intalex and Bassman and Trigga…which was also a heavy set
back in the day when mc’s and dj’s were mixed up quite well (yes and there are even LTJ and Bassman sets!)
drum and bass these days is just too samey, keep its fresh!
before the days of mp3’s, ipod’s and downloading music off the interweb thingy we had tapes packs and you travelled far and wide!! people went raving to listen to the dj’s and the mc’s
all you student types who have been listening to drum and bass for the past few weeks you really dont have a clue…
i’m not saying the ‘scene’ was better but this snobbish attitude was what brought the music down a level back then and i see it here too
back when carl cox played drum and bass, E’s cost £15 and raves such as the ‘book of love’ were making national news because 10,000 people wanted to jump up and down in fields!!! bassman was there doing his thing.
so how you new all knowing music connoisseurs (or jonny comelatelys mp3 only massive) can come on here and say that during a rave the mc ruined it for me when i listened to the download i have to laugh at you
you were getting a snap shot of rave
some nice person has video phoned the event and posted it up on AOL video take a look and from the link it looks like there were more people enjoying as well maybe some of you should too….
the boys are back are in town bbbbbrrrrraaappppp!!!
Zero Tolerance (feat. Steo) – Long Distance [DUB]
Calibre – Suddenly [SIGNATURE DUB]
Lynx – 2nd Floor [SOUL:R DUB]
Calibre – ??? [SIGNATURE DUB]
Survival & Zero Tolerance (feat. Steo) – No More [DISPATCH DUB]
Calibre – Leave Me [SIGNATURE DUB]
??? – ??? [???]
Break – Timeline [CRITICAL]
Lynx – Shady Past Times [DUB]
Break – Lost & Found [SYMMETRY]
Calibre & Klute – Freedom Come [COMMERCIAL SUICIDE]
DJ Die & Break – Coming From The Top [CLEAR SKYZ DUB]
Beta 2 & Zero Tolerance – Hang Twice [MAC 2 DUB]
Break – Surroundings [SYMMETRY]
Calibre – Into The Breeze [SIGNATURE DUB]
Calibre – Carry Me Away [SIGNATURE]
This set is fat!
I listen to drum and bass since 1995. It reminds me of these days.
For all the d&b novices: Buy a tape pack (i.e. one nation biggest & best)
these mc’s couldnt get any worse, they talk all over the drops, bassman is so stupid he has to resort to swearing because he can’t string a decent ryme together, might i note one of the lines “calibre on my cerial for breakfast” can it get any stupider.
[Comment ID #365254 Will Be Quoted Here]
He actually says “Calibre……having you for breakfast” which he indeed does in this set.
Why are people so bad about mc’s?? dont be so fucking whining!
And those who complain about Bassman’s rhymes – try do it better yourself live in front of a crowd, and make people wanna dance! I bet you who’re complaining about those rhymes n mc’s would stand there with mic in ya hands and just be quiet, sayin; “Yo… eeh….” and nothing more.
MC’s are nice. Try be happy instead of bitter and whining like everyone here in Sweden!
Bigup all you dnb MC’s out there putting it down!
5h1t man, that is a loada comments. And who said Drum n Bass was dead?
What ever floats your boat, set sail and voyage…..
I can’t understand people dissing the mc’s. All these student ravers who like to hear nice pitty patty liquid beats- cool yourself. All those who know about Jungle and drum and bass – Kool fm for breakfast, lunch and dinner and then go ravin at Telepathy, Innovation, Helter Skelter, Amazon, One Nation, Roast etc etc etc hold your space!!
Anyone who has heard MC’s like Ragga Twins, Navigator, Det etc cannot tell me that MC’s ruin a set. I used to think that people whi said this should shush and go listen to some house or techno, but I guess the music has to evolve. For me the music has lost it’s grimey edge. It no longer makes me want to jump up. More of a gentle tapping of the foot now. Maybe that’s just my age ;o)
LOL @ an earlier comment about “chavvy” bidda bidda mcs. Yeah, big up to the Pimms & Lemonade crew cotched down in da corner brap brap!
Oh man horrible set ruined by ppl who should have enough money not to be doing it anymore to be honest , i dont even get how/why some are around or even how its physicaly possibly for some because some are getting on for pension status surely.
I agree subtlety is the key i agree with that. Im from the uk very into my beats as well i have been since 94/95 but nowadays i am out of touch with Bassman, Det, Skibba and lenny whoever said lenny i liked seeing that haha going back some years but that side of things i am so out of touch so much so that i dunno if half these guys are still going or not? Im english as well its the same with some dj’s. Dont mean to sound patronising but i evolved from that sort of thing before 2000 i think 90% did most dnb i like lately is from abroad. Fats , conrad ,stamina and a few others i dont mind but some just stayed the same.Its not about a snobby level or students not for me its not its just i dont want to hear bassman etc or dj hype anymore it was tired for me in 1999.
It doesnt work with calibre and in 2008 it doesnt work with anyone it would on a oldskool set and…an oldskool set. Download the fabio set a few posts above to check bassman. To ppl still on that one u need to do like skibba says ok u need to deal with the matter and understand how tired that shit is. Now where is that dj presha mix i feel like i just bumped into a ford fiesta full of teens in a tescos car park after hearing that mix and i hate that stupid shit brits going on about ”oldskool” im a brit these ppl arent snobby or out of touch u ppl still into this shit are out of touch lol also the chav thing is true as well i wish this side of dnb would just fuck off tbh its only the uneducated crew who fell off and didnt change shit who are still into it.
Hold on – Lets get things into perspective
D&B started out for the streets – and most of you sound like you’d be scared to step on the hardest pavements
I went to nearly every big DJ line-up’s in Quest & Amazon – so grew up listening to these MC’s
Firstly, Bassman was massive in Midlands and then grew popularity in London later – when the Londoners (Apart from there DJ’s and MC’s) started to notice big talents emerging from the MIdlands. So if you raved down south you probably will never understand this street flow. Also, if your not a street soldier (or back in the day) your never gonna get this.
This is a live set and that should be remembered! (Don’t always sound as good at home)
I’m not gonna go on but if you don’t understand the flow – it’s probably not for you. These guys don’t MC for mass audiences (global scale) like GQ, Five-O etc… But are just as talented in there own way.
Many MC’s and DJ’s would agree if you asked them
Just listen to Fabio & Bassman – Amazon. This set is one of my all time favourites – I was there and the night was amazing and so is the recording.
I appreciate some may not like these MC’s ever no matter what, but all forms and styles make the jungle wild
MCs for scum – simple as that
ASBO Council estate scum on benefits carrying knives and saying shit like ‘sick innit mate’ and ‘brap brap’ etc
These MCs reflect these parasites and burden on society really well..
Now off to burglarize some old granny innit.. sick blud, wicked rinseout innit brap brap
Track 1, one of my favourite tunes everr! Wicked set!
Zero T & Steo – Long Distance
V Recordings (PLV005)