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- Marcus Intalex feat. Klute in the Mix on RBMA Radio 05/2007 | mirror | mirror | torrent | stream (128kbps, 120mins)
Marcus Intalex back on RBMA Radio with Klute in the Mix. Get ready for some serious tunes.
Lots of BITS.
Marcus Intalex Part 1
Amaning vs Dubwise – Smash VIP – Soul:r
Commix – Bellview – Metalheadz
Marcus Intalex – The Sentry – Dub
Soulmatic – Self Belief – Good Looking
Calibre – Two Dumplings And Stew – Dub
Alix Perez & Sabre – Solitary Mative – Shogun
High Contrast – If We Ever – Hospital
Deadly Habit – Synesthesia (Theory Remix) – Unknown
Survival – Delta – Dub
Jonny l – Come Here – Dub
Klute in the Mix – Playlist N/A
Marcus Intalex Part 2
Henree & Jonathan – Rush Hour – Dub
Lynx – Reverse Engineering – Soul:r
Nucleus & Paradox – Etymology – Esoteric
Calibre – Into The Breeze – Dub
Invaders – You Bring Me – Soul:r
Klute – Our Leader – Commercial Suicide
Commix – F Album – Metalheadz
link is not workin
fix it!!!
tl looks damn hot!
dnbshare downtime. uploading to megaupload atm.
you may listen to the stream by clicking here then just type “klute” in the searchbox. klick on the magnifier and choose “Soul:ution Radio Volume 6”.
Henree & Jonathan – Rush Hour …. that tune is HEAVY!!!!
mirror added!
Bigups Amaning/Henree/Theory :)
sounding good
love this tune: Soulmatic – Self Belief
good to see a High Contrast tune in there
Lovely tunes as always
biggups to amaning on his soul:r debut!
Once again, can i please remind people to add the correct link when uploading to
This is the link that is returned to you when an upload is finished. This will allow me to shift the traffic to another server, if one is down :)
the full links will always be
*turns off directory indexing* for slave servers. :)
Quality controlled BITS. Its always a pleasure to listen to Soulution radio. There was no real standout tunes… all of it was gooooood!!
Big up Nate aswell ;-)
Very Very Very, Rezpect Marcus Intelex, Solution Radio.
Brazil Connected.
Wow 128kbs !!!!! I hope it really is this time and not a 64k stream re-encoded…… like most of the terrible quality Soulution shows….
The track list looks heavy though, so I will give it a listen on the way home. :)
no worries… sound quality is decent
quality, soulution always been a favourite. waiting for drs to make an appearance on soulution radio
Lovely “dulcit tones”
Damn these links. ..
Haven’t heard but 15 seconds of the first track before the stream started to buffer, and I’m already all about it. . .
big ups m.i.
another bmore person.
When the guy said “drum and bass” in a dozzy voice is possibly the best part of the mix, i enjoyed it.
those first three tracks ( amaning,commix, marcus ) are exactly why i love drum and bass. . . keep it up guys!!!
incredible stuff
Great tunes, I always like Marcus’ stuff. Shame he always comes across as such a nob ‘bit’
yet again! more awesome beats whether its d&b or deep techno.
such good music!
lovin the new invaderz tune.
As always…really enjoyed the show.
The new calibre tunes are amazing and I’m really feeling that Johnny L tune, as well.
Intellex really surprised me with his knowledge of the Souls of Mischief. I grew up listening to those guys….
More quality from Marcus!! Look forward to the show every month :)
Bigup Nate on the hosting!
Killer tracks. Don’t get me wrong, Marcus Intalex is an amazing dj/producer. I credit my love for “fast soul music” to him after I saw him spin at a festival in Denmark. But having listened to Solutions Radio for about a year now, sometimes I just wish he’d stop talking and let the music ride. I guess it’s a radio show and all. I dunno. Still, this one is staying on my hard drive. Much respect Marcus!
i think it’s twenty, twentyfive minutes of teknooee – ayee – and twenty, twentyfive of drum and the baasssss…
Come on people…you have to love the Intalex banter…
yes Adriano, Intalex on the mic is classic! or he’s “bloody rubbish” for not doing his Klute homework. either way Soulution Radio is the best thing going. i salute Mr. Intalex for playing the freshest and most innovative “BITS” every time.
the new jonny L tune and the commix ‘bellvue’ tune are the standouts for me….
did anyone else crack up when mr intalex started goin on about “here’s high trio… no wait…. omni contrast…… forthcoming on moving hospital… yes on moving hospital” so very very funny… that track does sound so much like an omni trio one ;)
i may get shot for saying this, but the new calibre bits are the least exciting tracks in this entire mix ::ducks swinging angry fists of calibre lovers::
bloody norverners
all i can say is “its all about Commix in 2007” can not wait till there album lands on metalheadz in the near future
The new Jonny L is a destructive little number. The pick of the set by far.
intalex rulez
anyone knows whats the last choon from klute’s mix?
CAN NE 1 REpost
Marcus Intalex feat. Seba @ Soul:ution Radio 12/01/2007
EZ Thanx
that minimalistic track at the end of the klute mix is “Intramental – Comanche”
sorry it means: “Instramental”
before the instramental tune was a new thing of mine
called ” lost faith ”
eheh building the klute tl slowly
i hate people talking over my drum n bass….just give me sets…
once again intalex raises the bar. jonny L we salute you
# somewhere.kid Says:
May 16th, 2007 at 01:51:17
i may get shot for saying this, but the new calibre bits are the least exciting tracks in this entire mix ::ducks swinging angry fists of calibre lovers::
unfortunately i have to agree :(
still a great set tho!!
somewhere.kid Says:
May 16th, 2007 at 01:51:17
i may get shot for saying this, but the new calibre bits are the least exciting tracks in this entire mix ::ducks swinging angry fists of calibre lovers::
unfortunately i have to agree :(
still a great set tho!!
high contrast tune is the stand out one for me
the last sounds of this set… it is Commix – F Album – Metalheadz ? or what ? …like this sound…