Calibre – Live at Radio 1 14/09/2007


host: | info:,

Calibre in the building at Mary Anne Hobbs Breezeblock Show on Radio1.

Calibre – ‘Cold Blade’ (White)
Calibre – ‘Re-Entry’ (Signature)
Calibre – ‘Venus & Mars’ (Signature)
Calibre feat DRS – ‘Slums’ (White)
Calibre & St Files – ‘StCal Roller’ (Signature)
Calibre feat Lariman – ‘Peace Of Mind’ (Signature)
Calibre – ‘TV On’ (White)
Calibre – ‘Acrobat’ (Signature)
Calibre – ‘Free’ (White)
Calibre – ‘Idris’ (White)

46 thoughts on “Calibre – Live at Radio 1 14/09/2007

  1. Please go to the radio1 website and stream that show before you load it…for the show’s sake!

  2. Yeah “TV on” is very unique, dry and just fucking raw….. calibre probably wrote this one after a heavy night of drinking/smoking & being bored on the couch flicking with nuttin gwanin. OOOH and it sounds like calibre is singing on that one aswell …. ;-)

  3. never compare calibre with reggaeton knuckles. calibre is in a class of his own. reggaeton is shit

  4. aaarrggh – MUST grab this, but trying to hold out for a DAB recording..damn if i’d known would have done one myself…!

  5. slums… TUNE.
    calibre, lynx and marcus are the dopest producers in the game right now. and drs is such an inspiration as an mc and as a poet.

  6. I saw a torrent over at of the entire show from DAB…hopefully at the w/e I might have time to grab it and edit down to just Calibre’s set..

  7. thanks tim! the original file sounded like absolute shit (the calibre tunes rocked of course but the recording was ass….)

  8. ‘TV on’ is amazing – me want it! :)
    And whats going on with the tunes he played on soulution radio.. any planned release? (‘savanah heat’, ‘what u doing this time’..)
    So many good tunes.


    Only decent tunes are from the shelflife Lp out at the moment.. the rest is well blow par for Calibre


  10. Nice mix. Though I’d have to say, other than “TV’s on” its true, the shelf life tunes stand out as quite a bit better than others. But then again, he’s got so much music in that vault of his that you can never really judge Calibre. As soon as you think he might be slumping he always pulls out some amazing shit.

    On a different note, I don’t know who this Mary Anne Hobbs is, but her way of talking makes me want to hurt something…

  11. disagree with the haterz. Slums, TV On and Free are all new and are all sik sik sik.

    agree with the haterz on the Hobbs vocals mind.

  12. [Comment ID #252278 Quote]

    bruv thats a horrible thing to say.. you don’t appreciate the right things in music or life no doubt!

    boo to your comment! who wants to 2nd that, eh?

  13. [Comment ID #254420 Quote]

    i thought Wow! when i heard LB (High Contrast) was only 22 when he dropped True Colours and his Streets remix, i thought damn i wish that when i’m that age i’ll be signed and rolling deep, but now i’m 23 and i’ve not even sent out a demo! maybe in ten years i’ll be signed and rolling deep like Calibre is – theres hope, i’ll keep at it regardless of my age though!

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